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Welcome to Blink Time. We are glad you are here!
This documentation will show you how to easily record your working hours with Blink Time and how to use other features of the app.

As a cleaner, you can record your working hours directly on site with your own smartphone using Blink Time. Every logged working time is immediately visible in the Blink Time app. You can add notes and photos at any time, which the location manager or teamlead can then see immediately on his Blink App.

However, Blink Time not only serves to record time, but also provides an overview of hours worked and planned: Using the integrated calendar, hours logged, planned assignments and vacations can be displayed directly in the app.

Let's start by → setting up Blink Time.


If you have any questions or issues, that cannot be solved through this documentation, do not hesitate to get in touch with our support team.

By phone: 0911 240 330 22

By e-Mail:

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