Welcome to Blink me. We're glad you're here!
The centerpiece of the Blink me app is an easy and user-friendly time tracking system.
In addition, the app also offers many other features that pull the entire Blink universe into one application for employees.

For one, with its chat the Blink me app enables new communication options for professional cleaners. The ticket feature makes it easy to submit and track vacation requests or sick leave, among other things. And even Blink Check forms can be filled out within the Blink me app.
Please note: Both the chat and ticket functions are controlled via the Blink Active license. If this is not activated for the client, users can still use Blink me for time tracking, but the chat and tickets menu items are hidden.
This documentation introduces you to the apps' → set up, the user interface and the functions behind it.
From Blink Time to Blink me
In order to make the switch from Blink Time to Blink me as easy and smooth as possible, we have prepared a video with all the information you need.
If you have any questions that cannot be answered by this documentation, you can of course contact our support team directly.
By telephone: 0911 240 330 22
By e-mail: